Run the example

  1. Install and run the device gateway
  2. Download the C# client library
  3. Copy the root certificate of the device gateway to your working directory. As default, the certificate(ca.crt) resides in cert of the installation directory.
  4. The example uses grpc-dotnet. You can change the example/status/test/test.csproj file as needed.
  5. Change the gateway and the device information in example/status/test/Program.cs as needed.

     // the path of the root certificate
     private const string GATEWAY_CA_FILE = "../../../../cert/gateway/ca.crt";
     // the address of the gateway
     private const string GATEWAY_ADDR = "";
     private const int GATEWAY_PORT = 4000;
     // the ip address of the target device
     private const string DEVICE_ADDR = "";
     private const int DEVICE_PORT = 51211;
  6. Build and run.

     cd example/status/test
     dotnet run

1. Connect to the gateway and the device

The example assumes you use the device gateway. For the master gateway or other connection options, refer to the Connect or ConnectMaster examples.

  GatewayClient gatewayClient = new GatewayClient();

  var connectInfo = new ConnectInfo{ IPAddr = DEVICE_ADDR, Port = DEVICE_PORT, UseSSL = USE_SSL };
  uint devID = userTest.connectSvc.Connect(connectInfo); 

2. Check the type of the device

The status configuration is effective only for headless device such as BioEntry W2.

  static bool IsHeadless(CapabilityInfo capInfo) {
    switch(capInfo.Type) {
      case Device.Type.BioentryP2:
      case Device.Type.BioentryR2:
      case Device.Type.BioentryW2:
      case Device.Type.Xpass2:
      case Device.Type.Xpass2Keypad:
      case Device.Type.XpassD2:
      case Device.Type.XpassD2Keypad:
      case Device.Type.XpassS2:
        return true;
        return false;        

  CapabilityInfo capInfo = statusTest.deviceSvc.GetCapabilityInfo(devID);

  if(!IsHeadless(capInfo)) {

3. Change the LED signal

There are 15 pre-defined status for which you can change the LED or buzzer signals. The example changes the LED signal for DEVICE_STATUS_NORMAL.

  foreach(LEDStatus ledStatus in config.LEDState) {
    if(ledStatus.DeviceStatus == DeviceStatus.Normal) {
      ledStatus.Count = 0;
      ledStatus.Signals.Add(new LEDSignal{ Color = Device.LEDColor.Yellow, Duration = 2000, Delay = 0});

  statusSvc.SetConfig(deviceID, config);

4. Change the buzzer signal

The example changes the buzzer signal for DEVICE_STATUS_FAIL.

  foreach(BuzzerStatus buzzerStatus in config.BuzzerState) {
    if(buzzerStatus.DeviceStatus == DeviceStatus.Fail) { // 2 x 500ms beeps
      buzzerStatus.Count = 1;
      buzzerStatus.Signals.Add(new BuzzerSignal{ Tone = Device.BuzzerTone.High, Duration = 500, Delay = 2});
      buzzerStatus.Signals.Add(new BuzzerSignal{ Tone = Device.BuzzerTone.High, Duration = 500, Delay = 2});

  statusSvc.SetConfig(deviceID, config);
