Run the example

  1. Install and run the gateway
  2. Download the Go client library
  3. Copy the root certificate of the gateway to your working directory. As default, the certificate(ca.crt) resides in cert of the installation directory.
  4. Change the server information in src/example/connect/test/test.go as needed.

     // the path of the root certificate
       CA_FILE = "../../../../../cert/ca.crt"
     // the ip address of the gateway
       SERVER_IP = ""
       SERVER_PORT = 4000
  5. Build.

     cd src/example/connect/test
     go build .
  6. Run.


1. CLI

With the Command-Line Interface(CLI), you can test 5 functions related to connection management.

$ ./test

===== Main Menu =====

(1) Search devices
(2) Connect to a device synchronously
(3) Manage asynchronous connections
(4) Accept devices
(5) Device menu
(q) Quit

>>>>> Select a menu:

(1) Search devices

To connect devices, you have to know their addresses and related options such as connection mode. By using Connect.SearchDevice, you can get these information in a subnet.

>>>>> Select a menu: 1
Searching devices in the subnet...

***** Found 8 devices
deviceID:544114231 type:BIOENTRY_W2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211
deviceID:540092578 type:BIOSTATION_L2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211 useSSL:true
deviceID:846 type:BIOLITE_N2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211
deviceID:939342898 type:BIOSTATION_A2 useDHCP:true connectionMode:DEVICE_TO_SERVER IPAddr:"" port:51211 useSSL:true
deviceID:939504224 type:BIOSTATION_A2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211
deviceID:939342902 type:BIOSTATION_A2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211 useSSL:true
deviceID:542190033 type:FACESTATION_2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211
deviceID:547634480 type:BIOSTATION_2 useDHCP:true IPAddr:"" port:51211

(2) Connect to a device synchronously

The simplest way of connecting to a device is to use Connect.Connect.

>>>>> Select a menu: 2
Connect to a device synchronously...
>> Enter the IP address of the device:
>> Enter the port of the device (default: 51211):
>> Use SSL y/n (default: n):
Trying to connect to
Connected to 544114231

(3) Manage asynchronous connections

When you have to manage permanent connections to multiple devices, asynchronous APIs would be a better choice. With these APIs, the gateway will handle connections to devices in the background. For example, if some devices are disconnected, the gateway will try to reconnect them automatically.

>>>>> Select a menu: 3

***** Async connections: 0

===== Async Menu =====

(1) Add async connections
(2) Delete async connections
(3) Refresh the connection list
(q) Return to Main Menu

>>>>> Select a menu: 1
>> Enter the device ID (Press just ENTER if no more device): 540092578
>> Enter the IP address of the device:
>> Enter the port of the device (default: 51211):
>> Use SSL y/n (default: n): y
>> Enter the device ID (Press just ENTER if no more device): 939504224
>> Enter the IP address of the device:
>> Enter the port of the device (default: 51211):
>> Use SSL y/n (default: n):
>> Enter the device ID (Press just ENTER if no more device):
Adding asynchronous connections for 2 devices...

***** Async connections: 2
deviceID:540092578 IPAddr:"" port:51211 autoReconnect:true useSSL:true
deviceID:939504224 IPAddr:"" port:51211 autoReconnect:true

(4) Accept devices

In some environments, the devices should connect to the gateway, not vice versa. For devices to connect to the gateway, you have to do the followings;

  1. Change the connection mode to DEVICE_TO_SERVER using Connect.SetConnectionMode.
  2. By default, the gateway will not accept any incoming connections. You have to add the devices to the accept filter using Connect.SetAcceptFilter.
>>>>> Select a menu: 4

***** Accept filter:

***** Pending devices: 1
deviceID:939342898 IPAddr:"" lastTry:1582762543

===== Accept Menu =====

(1) Add devices to the filter
(2) Delete devices from the filter
(3) Allow all devices
(4) Disallow all devices
(5) Refresh the pending device list
(q) Return to Main Menu

>>>>> Select a menu: 3
Allowing all devices...

***** Accept filter: allowAll:true

Apart from the IP address, there are two important options for device connections. You can change the connection mode using Connect.SetConnectionMode and enable/disable SSL using the SSL APIs.

>>>>> Select a menu: 5

***** Managed devices: 4
deviceID:544114231 IPAddr:"" port:51211 status:TCP_CONNECTED
deviceID:540092578 IPAddr:"" port:51211 status:TLS_CONNECTED autoReconnect:true useSSL:true
deviceID:939504224 IPAddr:"" port:51211 status:TCP_CONNECTED autoReconnect:true
deviceID:939342898 connectionMode:DEVICE_TO_SERVER IPAddr:"" status:TLS_CONNECTED useSSL:true

===== Device Menu =====

(1) Set connection mode
(2) Enable SSL
(3) Disable SSL
(4) Disconnect
(5) Disconnect All
(6) Refresh the device list
(q) Return to Main Menu

>>>>> Select a menu: 2

Enter the device IDs to enable SSL
>> Enter the device ID (Press just ENTER if no more device): 54414231
>> Enter the device ID (Press just ENTER if no more device):

To change these options, you have to connect to the devices first using menu (2) ~ (4).

2. Synchronous connections

You can use the Synchronous APIs to manage the connections by yourself.

func (s *ConnectSvc) Connect(deviceIP string, devicePort int, useSSL bool) (uint32, error) {
  req := &connect.ConnectRequest{
    ConnectInfo: &connect.ConnectInfo{
      IPAddr: deviceIP,
      Port: int32(devicePort),
      UseSSL: useSSL,

  resp, _ := s.client.Connect(context.Background(), req)

  return resp.GetDeviceID(), nil

func (s *ConnectSvc) Disconnect(deviceIDs []uint32) error {
  req := &connect.DisconnectRequest{
    DeviceIDs: deviceIDs,

  s.client.Disconnect(context.Background(), req)

  return nil
devID, err := connectSvc.Connect(IP_ADDR, PORT, false)

// do something with the devID

connectSvc.Disconnect([]uint32{ devID })

3. Asynchronous connections

With the Asynchronous APIs, you only have to register or deregister devices. The gateway will handle all the connection related tasks in the background.

func (s *ConnectSvc) AddAsyncConnection(connInfos []*connect.AsyncConnectInfo) error {
  req := &connect.AddAsyncConnectionRequest{
    ConnectInfos: connInfos,

  s.client.AddAsyncConnection(context.Background(), req)

  return nil

func (s *ConnectSvc) DeleteAsyncConnection(deviceIDs []uint32) error {
  req := &connect.DeleteAsyncConnectionRequest{
    DeviceIDs: deviceIDs,

  s.client.DeleteAsyncConnection(context.Background(), req)

  return nil

You have to use Connect.GetDeviceList to get the status of the registered devices.

func showAsyncConnection() error {
  devList, _ := connectSvc.GetDeviceList()

  asyncList := []*connect.DeviceInfo{}

  for _, device := range devList {
    if device.AutoReconnect { // AutoReconnect is true for the devices added by AddAsyncConnection
      asyncList = append(asyncList, device)

  fmt.Printf("\n***** Async connections: %v\n", len(asyncList))

  for _, device := range asyncList {
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", device)

  return nil

4. Accept devices

func (s *ConnectSvc) GetAcceptFilter() (*connect.AcceptFilter, error) {
  req := &connect.GetAcceptFilterRequest{}

  resp, _ := s.client.GetAcceptFilter(context.Background(), req)

  return resp.GetFilter(), nil

func (s *ConnectSvc) SetAcceptFilter(filter *connect.AcceptFilter) error {
  req := &connect.SetAcceptFilterRequest{
    Filter: filter,

  s.client.SetAcceptFilter(context.Background(), req)

  return nil

By default, the gateway will not accept any incoming connections. Connect.GetPendingList can be used to get the devices, which are trying to connect to the gateway but not in the accept filter.

func (s *ConnectSvc) GetPendingList() ([]*connect.PendingDeviceInfo, error) {
  req := &connect.GetPendingListRequest{}

  resp, _ := s.client.GetPendingList(context.Background(), req)

  return resp.GetDeviceInfos(), nil

You can allow all the incoming connections by setting AcceptFilter.allowAll to true. Or, you can specify the devices to be allowed in AcceptFilter.deviceIDs.

func allowAllDevices() error {
  filter := &connect.AcceptFilter{
    AllowAll: true,
    DeviceIDs: []uint32{},


  return nil		

func (s *ConnectSvc) AddDeviceToAcceptFilter(deviceIDs []uint32) error {
  getReq := &connect.GetAcceptFilterRequest{}

  getResp, _ := s.client.GetAcceptFilter(context.Background(), getReq)

  filter := getResp.GetFilter()
  filter.AllowAll = false

  for _, deviceID := range deviceIDs {
    exist := false;

    for i := 0; i < len(filter.DeviceIDs); i++ {
      if filter.DeviceIDs[i] == deviceID {
        exist = true;

    if !exist {
      filter.DeviceIDs = append(filter.DeviceIDs, deviceID)

  setReq := &connect.SetAcceptFilterRequest{
    Filter: filter,

  SetAcceptFilter(context.Background(), setReq)

  return nil

5. Connection status

Apart from Connect.GetDeviceList, you can also get the realtime update using Connect.SubscribeStatus.

func (s *ConnectSvc) Subscribe() (connect.Connect_SubscribeStatusClient, context.CancelFunc, error) {
  ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

  req := &connect.SubscribeStatusRequest{
    QueueSize: QUEUE_SIZE,

  statusStream, _ := s.client.SubscribeStatus(ctx, req)

  return statusStream, cancel, nil
  statusStream, cancelFunc, _ := connectSvc.Subscribe()
  defer cancelFunc()

  go func(statusStream connectService.Connect_SubscribeStatusClient) {
    for {
      statusChange, err := statusStream.Recv()

      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Cannot get device status: %v", err)

      // do something with statusChange
  } (statusStream) 

6. Connection mode

func (s *ConnectSvc) SetConnectionModeMulti(deviceIDs []uint32, mode connect.ConnectionMode) error {
  req := &connect.SetConnectionModeMultiRequest{
    DeviceIDs:      deviceIDs,
    ConnectionMode: mode,

  s.client.SetConnectionModeMulti(context.Background(), req)

  return nil

After setting the connection mode, you have to use different APIs accordingly. With SERVER_TO_DEVICE, you should use the Synchronous APIs or the Asynchronous APIs. to connect to the devices. With DEVICE_TO_SERVER, the AcceptFilter should be configured correctly.

7. SSL

TLS 1.2 can be used for more secure communication between the gateway and devices. Refer to Secure Communication for details.

func (s *ConnectSvc) EnableSSL(deviceIDs []uint32) error {
  req := &connect.EnableSSLMultiRequest{
    DeviceIDs:      deviceIDs,

  s.client.EnableSSLMulti(context.Background(), req)
  return nil

func (s *ConnectSvc) DisableSSL(deviceIDs []uint32) error {
  req := &connect.DisableSSLMultiRequest{
    DeviceIDs:      deviceIDs,

  s.client.DisableSSLMulti(context.Background(), req)

  return nil
