Quick Start Guide for Device Gateway
Run the examplePermalink
- Install and run the device gateway
- Download the Go client library
- Copy the root certificate of the device gateway to your working directory. As default, the certificate(ca.crt) resides in cert of the installation directory.
Change the gateway and the device information in src/example/quick/quickStart.go as needed.
// the path of the root certificate GATEWAY_CA_FILE = "../../../../cert/gateway/ca.crt" // the address of the device gateway GATEWAY_IP = "" GATEWAY_PORT = 4000 // the ip address of the target device A2_IP = "" A2_PORT = 51211
cd src/example/quick go build .
1. OverviewPermalink
You can use the G-SDK services in the following steps.
Connect to the device gateway and get a grpc.ClientConn.
creds, _ := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(certFile, "") conn, _ := grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", serverIP, serverPort), grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds), grpc.WithBlock(), grpc.WithTimeout(CONN_TIMEOUT))
Create a service client such as connect.ConnectClient using the connection. For the available services and functions, please refer to the API reference.
connect.ConnectClient client = connect.NewConnectClient(conn)
Call the functions of the service using the client.
req := &connect.ConnectRequest{ ConnectInfo: &connect.ConnectInfo{ IPAddr: deviceIP, Port: int32(devicePort), UseSSL: useSSL, }, } resp, _ := client.Connect(context.Background(), req)
The structures in example are written for showing the usage of the corresponding APIs. In your applications, you don’t have to use these sample structures.
2. Connect to the device gatewayPermalink
The first thing to do is to connect to the device gateway and get a grpc.ClientConn, which will be used for further communication. You have to know the IP address and port number of the gateway. And, you should also have the root certificate of the gateway for TLS/SSL communication.
// An example structure encapsulating communication with the gateway
type GatewayClient struct {
conn *grpc.ClientConn
func (c *GatewayClient) GetConn() *grpc.ClientConn {
return c.conn
func (c *GatewayClient) Connect(certFile string, serverIP string, serverPort int) error {
creds, _ := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(certFile, "")
conn, _ := grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", serverIP, serverPort), grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds), grpc.WithBlock(), grpc.WithTimeout(CONN_TIMEOUT))
c.conn = conn
return nil
Create the GatewayClient.
gatewayClient := &client.GatewayClient{}
Connect to the gateway.
3. Connect to BioStar devicesPermalink
There are three ways to manage the connections with BioStar devices. This example shows only the synchronous API. For the other APIs, refer to the Connect API and the tutorial.
// An example structure showing the usage of the Connect API
type ConnectSvc struct {
client connect.ConnectClient
func NewConnectSvc(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *ConnectSvc {
return &ConnectSvc{
client: connect.NewConnectClient(conn),
func (s *ConnectSvc) GetDeviceList() ([]*connect.DeviceInfo, error) {
req := &connect.GetDeviceListRequest{
resp, _ := s.client.GetDeviceList(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetDeviceInfos(), nil
func (s *ConnectSvc) SearchDevice(timeout uint32) ([]*connect.SearchDeviceInfo, error) {
req := &connect.SearchDeviceRequest{
Timeout: timeout,
resp, _ := s.client.SearchDevice(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetDeviceInfos(), nil
func (s *ConnectSvc) Connect(deviceIP string, devicePort int, useSSL bool) (uint32, error) {
req := &connect.ConnectRequest{
ConnectInfo: &connect.ConnectInfo{
IPAddr: deviceIP,
Port: int32(devicePort),
UseSSL: useSSL,
resp, _ := s.client.Connect(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetDeviceID(), nil
func (s *ConnectSvc) Disconnect(deviceIDs []uint32) error {
req := &connect.DisconnectRequest{
DeviceIDs: deviceIDs,
s.client.Disconnect(context.Background(), req)
return nil
Create the ConnectSvc. It makes the connect.ConnectClient internally.
connectSvc = connect.NewConnectSvc(grpcClient.GetConn())
Connect to the specified device. As default, the device is not set to use SSL. To use SSL, you have to enable it first using Connect.EnableSSL. The returned device ID will be used for other APIs.
deviceID, _ := connectSvc.Connect(A2_IP, A2_PORT, true)
Get the devices, which are managed by the gateway.
devList, _ = connectSvc.GetDeviceList()
Disconnect the device.
connectSvc.Disconnect([]uint32{ deviceID })
4. DevicePermalink
Using the Device API, you can get the information of the specified device.
// An example structure showing the usage of the Device API
type DeviceSvc struct {
client device.DeviceClient
func NewDeviceSvc(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *DeviceSvc {
return &DeviceSvc{
client: device.NewDeviceClient(conn),
func (s *DeviceSvc) GetInfo(deviceID uint32) (*device.FactoryInfo, error) {
req := &device.GetInfoRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.GetInfo(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetInfo(), nil
func (s *DeviceSvc) GetCapabilityInfo(deviceID uint32) (*device.CapabilityInfo, error) {
req := &device.GetCapabilityInfoRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.GetCapabilityInfo(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetCapInfo(), nil
Create the DeviceSvc. It makes the device.DeviceClient internally.
deviceSvc = device.NewDeviceSvc(grpcClient.GetConn())
Get the version information of the device.
devInfo, _ := deviceSvc.GetInfo(deviceID)
Get the capability information of the device. Each device type has its own capability. For example, CapabilityInfo.faceSupported will be true only for FaceStation 2 and FaceLite.
capInfo, _ := deviceSvc.GetCapabilityInfo(deviceID)
5. FingerprintPermalink
Using the Finger API, you can scan a fingerprint, get the last-scanned image, and configure the fingerprint options.
// An example structure showing the usage of the Finger API
type FingerSvc struct {
client finger.FingerClient
func NewFingerSvc(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *FingerSvc {
return &FingerSvc{
client: finger.NewFingerClient(conn),
func (s *FingerSvc) Scan(deviceID uint32, templateFormat finger.TemplateFormat, qualityThreshold uint32) ([]byte, uint32, error) {
req := &finger.ScanRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
TemplateFormat: templateFormat,
QualityThreshold: qualityThreshold,
resp, _ := s.client.Scan(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetTemplateData(), resp.GetQualityScore(), nil
func (s *FingerSvc) GetImage(deviceID uint32) ([]byte, error) {
req := &finger.GetImageRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.GetImage(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetBMPImage(), nil
func (s *FingerSvc) GetConfig(deviceID uint32) (*finger.FingerConfig, error) {
req := &finger.GetConfigRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.GetConfig(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetConfig(), nil
Create the FingerSvc. It makes the finger.FingerClient internally.
fingerSvc = finger.NewFingerSvc(grpcClient.GetConn())
Scan a fingerprint on the device and get the template data. You can assign this template to a user using User.SetFinger.
templData, score, _ := fingerSvc.Scan(deviceID, finger.TemplateFormat_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_SUPREMA, QUALITY_THRESHOLD)
Get the scanned fingerprint image and save it to a BMP file.
bmpImage, _ := fingerSvc.GetImage(deviceID) ioutil.WriteFile(FINGERPRINT_IMAGE_NAME, bmpImage, 0644)
Get the fingerprint configuration. To change some of its options, call Finger.SetConfig.
fingerConfig, _ := fingerSvc.GetConfig(deviceID)
6. CardPermalink
Using the Card API, you can scan/write cards, manage the blacklist, and configure the card options.
// An example structure showing the usage of the Card API
type CardSvc struct {
client card.CardClient
func NewCardSvc(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *CardSvc {
return &CardSvc{
client: card.NewCardClient(conn),
func (s *CardSvc) Scan(deviceID uint32) (*card.CardData, error) {
req := &card.ScanRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.Scan(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetCardData(), nil
func (s *CardSvc) GetBlacklist(deviceID uint32) ([]*card.BlacklistItem, error) {
req := &card.GetBlacklistRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.GetBlacklist(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetBlacklist(), nil
func (s *CardSvc) AddBlacklist(deviceID uint32, cardInfos []*card.BlacklistItem) error {
req := &card.AddBlacklistRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
CardInfos: cardInfos,
s.client.AddBlacklist(context.Background(), req)
return nil
func (s *CardSvc) DeleteBlacklist(deviceID uint32, cardInfos []*card.BlacklistItem) error {
req := &card.DeleteBlacklistRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
CardInfos: cardInfos,
s.client.DeleteBlacklist(context.Background(), req)
return nil
Create the CardSvc. It makes the card.CardClient internally.
cardSvc = card.NewCardSvc(grpcClient.GetConn())
Scan a card.
cardData, _ := cardSvc.Scan(deviceID)
BioStar devices manage a blacklist to disable disqualified cards. You can get/add/delete blacklisted cards.
// Get the current blacklist blacklist, _ := cardSvc.GetBlacklist(deviceID) // Add new items into the blacklist cardInfos := []*card.BlacklistItem{} for i := 0; i < NUM_OF_NEW_BLACKLIST; i++ { cardInfo := &card.BlacklistItem{ CardID: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", FIRST_BLACKLISTED_CARD_ID + i)), IssueCount: ISSUE_COUNT, } cardInfos = append(cardInfos, cardInfo) } cardSvc.AddBlacklist(deviceID, cardInfos)
7. UserPermalink
Using the User API, you can get/enroll/delete users. You can also set fingerprints/cards/groups to users.
// An example structure showing the usage of the User API
type UserSvc struct {
client user.UserClient
func NewUserSvc(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *UserSvc {
return &UserSvc{
client: user.NewUserClient(conn),
func (s *UserSvc) GetList(deviceID uint32) ([]*user.UserHdr, error) {
req := &user.GetListRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
resp, _ := s.client.GetList(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetHdrs(), nil
func (s *UserSvc) GetUser(deviceID uint32, userIDs []string) ([]*user.UserInfo, error) {
req := &user.GetRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
UserIDs: userIDs,
resp, _ := s.client.Get(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetUsers(), nil
func (s *UserSvc) Enroll(deviceID uint32, users []*user.UserInfo) error {
req := &user.EnrollRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
Users: users,
s.client.Enroll(context.Background(), req)
return nil
func (s *UserSvc) Delete(deviceID uint32, userIDs []string) error {
req := &user.DeleteRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
UserIDs: userIDs,
s.client.Delete(context.Background(), req)
return nil
func (s *UserSvc) SetFinger(deviceID uint32, userFingers []*user.UserFinger) error {
req := &user.SetFingerRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
UserFingers: userFingers,
s.client.SetFinger(context.Background(), req)
return nil
Create the UserSvc. It makes the user.UserClient internally.
userSvc = user.NewUserSvc(grpcClient.GetConn())
Get the user list and detailed information.
// Get the user list userHdrs, _ := userSvc.GetList(deviceID) // Extract user IDs from the list userIDs := make([]string, len(userHdrs)) for i := 0; i < len(userHdrs); i++ { userIDs[i] = userHdrs[i].ID } // Get the user information with the user IDs userInfos, _ := userSvc.GetUser(deviceID, userIDs)
Enroll new users.
newUsers := make([]*user.UserInfo, NUM_OF_NEW_USER) newUserIDs := make([]string, NUM_OF_NEW_USER) for i := 0; i < NUM_OF_NEW_USER; i++ { newUsers[i] = &user.UserInfo{ Hdr: &user.UserHdr{ ID: fmt.Sprintf("%v", rand.Int31()), }, } newUserIDs[i] = newUsers[i].Hdr.ID } userSvc.Enroll(deviceID, newUsers)
Set fingerprints to users. You can also set cards, access groups, and job codes in similar fashion.
userFingerData := &user.UserFinger{ UserID: userID, Fingers: []*finger.FingerData{}, } fingerData := &finger.FingerData{ Templates: make([][]byte, NUM_OF_TEMPLATE_PER_FINGER), } // Scan the first fingerprint fingerData.Templates[0], _, _ = fingerSvc.Scan(deviceID, TEMPLATE_FORMAT, QUALITY_THRESHOLD) // Scan the second fingerprint of the same finger fingerData.Templates[1], _, _ = fingerSvc.Scan(deviceID, TEMPLATE_FORMAT, QUALITY_THRESHOLD) userFingerData.Fingers = append(userFingerData.Fingers, fingerData) userSvc.SetFinger(deviceID, []*user.UserFinger{ userFingerData })
Delete new users.
userSvc.Delete(deviceID, newUserIDs)
8. EventPermalink
Using the Event API, you can read event logs stored in devices. You can also receive real-time events after enabling monitoring.
// An example structure showing the usage of the Event API
type EventSvc struct {
client event.EventClient
func NewEventSvc(conn *grpc.ClientConn) *EventSvc {
return &EventSvc{
client: event.NewEventClient(conn),
func (s *EventSvc) GetLog(deviceID, startEventID, maxNumOfLog uint32) ([]*event.EventLog, error) {
req := &event.GetLogRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
StartEventID: startEventID,
MaxNumOfLog: maxNumOfLog,
resp, _ := s.client.GetLog(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetEvents(), nil
func (s *EventSvc) GetImageLog(deviceID, startEventID, maxNumOfLog uint32) ([]*event.ImageLog, error) {
req := &event.GetImageLogRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
StartEventID: startEventID,
MaxNumOfLog: maxNumOfLog,
resp, _ := s.client.GetImageLog(context.Background(), req)
return resp.GetImageEvents(), nil
const (
var (
eventStream event.Event_SubscribeRealtimeLogClient
func (s *EventSvc) StartMonitoring(deviceID uint32) (context.CancelFunc, error) {
// Enable monitoring of the device
enableReq := &event.EnableMonitoringRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
s.client.EnableMonitoring(context.Background(), enableReq)
// Start monitoring thread for receiving events asynchronously
subReq := &event.SubscribeRealtimeLogRequest{
DeviceIDs: []uint32 { deviceID },
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
eventStream, _ = s.client.SubscribeRealtimeLog(ctx, subReq)
// receive real-time events asynchronously
go func() {
fmt.Printf("Start receiving real-time events\n")
for {
eventLog, err := eventStream.Recv()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot receive real-time events: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
fmt.Printf("Event: %v\n", eventLog)
} ()
return cancelFunc, nil
func (s *EventSvc) StopMonitoring(deviceID uint32) error {
disableReq := &event.DisableMonitoringRequest{
DeviceID: deviceID,
s.client.DisableMonitoring(context.Background(), disableReq)
return nil
Create the EventSvc. It makes the event.EventClient internally.
eventSvc = event.NewEventSvc(grpcClient.GetConn())
Get event logs. You can specify the first ID and the maximum number of events to be returned.
events, _ := eventSvc.GetLog(deviceID, 0, MAX_NUM_OF_LOG)
Get image logs in JPG format. Only the devices with the CapabilityInfo.imageLogSupported can store image logs. You can also specify the event types to save image logs using Event.SetImageFilter.
imageEvents, _ := eventSvc.GetImageLog(deviceID, 0, MAX_NUM_OF_IMAGE_LOG) if len(imageEvents) > 0 { ioutil.WriteFile(LOG_IMAGE_NAME, imageEvents[0].JPGImage, 0644) }
Enable event monitoring of the device and receive real-time events asynchronously.
cancelFunc, _ := eventSvc.StartMonitoring(deviceID)
Stop monitoring.
eventSvc.StopMonitoring(deviceID) cancelFunc()