Run the example

  1. Install and run the gateway
  2. Download the Go client library
  3. Copy the root certificate of the gateway to your working directory. As default, the certificate(ca.crt) resides in cert of the installation directory.
  4. Change the gateway and the device information in src/example/schedule/test/test.go as needed.

     // the path of the root certificate
     GATEWAY_CA_FILE = "../../../../cert/gateway/ca.crt"
     // the address of the device gateway
     GATEWAY_IP = ""
     GATEWAY_PORT = 4000
     // the ip address of the target device
     DEV_IP = ""
     DEV_PORT = 51211
     USE_SSL = false
  5. Build.

     cd src/example/schedule/test
     go build .
  6. Run.


1. Connect to the gateway and the device

The example assumes you use the device gateway. For the master gateway or other connection options, refer to the Connect or ConnectMaster examples.

  gatewayClient := &client.GatewayClient{}

  connectSvc = connect.NewConnectSvc(gatewayClient.GetConn())
  deviceID, _ := connectSvc.Connect(DEV_IP, DEV_PORT, USE_SSL)

2. Make a weekly schedule

To make a weekly schedule, you have to configure 7 DaySchedules.

  weekdayPeriods := []*schedule.TimePeriod {
      StartTime: 540, // 9 * 60 min, 9 am
      EndTime: 720, // 12 * 60 min, 12 pm
      StartTime: 780, // 13 * 60 min, 1 pm
      EndTime: 1080, // 18 * 60 min, 6 pm

  weekday := &schedule.DaySchedule{
    Periods: weekdayPeriods,

  weekendPeriods := []*schedule.TimePeriod {
      StartTime: 570, // (9 * 60) + 30 min, 9:30 am
      EndTime: 750, // (12 * 60) + 30 min, 12:30 pm

  weekend := &schedule.DaySchedule{
    Periods: weekendPeriods,

  weeklySchedule := &schedule.WeeklySchedule{
    DaySchedules: []*schedule.DaySchedule{
      weekend, // Sunday
      weekday, // Monday
      weekday, // Tuesday
      weekday, // Wednesday
      weekday, // Thursday
      weekday, // Friday
      weekend, // Saturday

  weeklyScheduleInfo := &schedule.ScheduleInfo{
    Name: "Sample Weekly Schedule",
    Weekly: weeklySchedule,
    Holidays: []*schedule.HolidaySchedule{ holidaySchedule },

  scheduleSvc.Add(deviceID, []*schedule.ScheduleInfo{ weeklyScheduleInfo })

3. Make a daily schedule

You can also configure a daily schedule consisting of up to 90 DaySchedules.

  dailySchedule := &schedule.DailySchedule{
    StartDate: uint32(time.Now().YearDay() - 1), // 30 days from today
    DaySchedules: []*schedule.DaySchedule{},

  dayPeriods := []*schedule.TimePeriod {
      StartTime: 540, // 9 * 60 min, 9 am
      EndTime: 720, // 12 * 60 min, 12 pm
      StartTime: 780, // 13 * 60 min, 1 pm
      EndTime: 1080, // 18 * 60 min, 6 pm

  for i := 0; i < NUM_OF_DAY; i++ {
    daySchedule := &schedule.DaySchedule{
      Periods: dayPeriods,

    dailySchedule.DaySchedules = append(dailySchedule.DaySchedules, daySchedule)

  dailyScheduleInfo := &schedule.ScheduleInfo{
    Name: "Sample Daily Schedule",
    Daily: dailySchedule,

  scheduleSvc.Add(deviceID, []*schedule.ScheduleInfo{ dailyScheduleInfo })  
