Run the example

  1. Install and run the device gateway
  2. Download the Java client library
  3. Copy the root certificate of the device gateway to your working directory. As default, the certificate(ca.crt) resides in cert of the installation directory.
  4. The example uses Gradle for its project. You can change the build.gradle file as needed.
  5. Change the gateway and the device information in src/main/java/com/supremainc/sdk/example/user/test/ as needed.

     // the path of the root certificate
     private static final String GATEWAY_CA_FILE = "cert/gateway/ca.crt";
     // the address of the gateway
     private static final String GATEWAY_ADDR = "";
     private static final int GATEWAY_PORT = 4000;
     // the ip address of the target device
     private static final String DEVICE_ADDR = ""; 
     private static final int DEVICE_PORT = 51211;
  6. Build.

     ./gradlew installDist
  7. Run.


1. Connect to the gateway and the device

The example assumes you use the device gateway. For the master gateway or other connection options, refer to the Connect or ConnectMaster examples.

  GatewayClient client = new GatewayClient();

  ConnectInfo connInfo = ConnectInfo.newBuilder().setIPAddr(DEVICE_ADDR).setPort(DEVICE_PORT).setUseSSL(DEVICE_USE_SSL).build();
  int deviceID = userTest.connectSvc.connect(connInfo); 

2. Change the auth configuration

To test the authentication modes of the test user, AuthConfig.usePrivateAuth will be enabled.

  AuthConfig origConfig = authSvc.getConfig(deviceID);

  // Enable private authentication for test
  AuthConfig testConfig = origConfig.toBuilder().setUsePrivateAuth(true).build();
  authSvc.setConfig(deviceID, testConfig);

3. Enroll users

Enroll a test user and set the authentication modes. For brevity, the example sets only the simple authentication modes. You can test all the modes by changing these values.

  String newUserID = String.format("%d",;
  List<UserInfo> newUsers = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
  UserHdr hdr = UserHdr.newBuilder().setID(newUserID).build();
  UserSetting setting;

  if(deviceType == Type.FACESTATION_F2 || deviceType == Type.FACESTATION_F2_FP) {
    setting = UserSetting.newBuilder()
  } else {
    setting = UserSetting.newBuilder()

  userSvc.enroll(deviceID, newUsers);

4. Add credentials to users

Add cards, fingerprints, or faces to the test user. To know the supported credentials of each device, you can use Device.GetCapabilityInfo. For added credentials, check whether you can authenticate them on the device.

    CapabilityInfo capInfo = null;
    capInfo = userTest.deviceSvc.getCapabilityInfo(deviceID);

    if(capInfo.getCardSupported()) {
      CardTest cardTest = new CardTest(userTest.cardSvc, userTest.userSvc);
      cardTest.test(deviceID, userID);

    if(capInfo.getFingerSupported()) {
      FingerTest fingerTest = new FingerTest(userTest.fingerSvc, userTest.userSvc);
      fingerTest.test(deviceID, userID);
    if(capInfo.getFaceSupported()) {
      FaceTest faceTest = new FaceTest(userTest.faceSvc, userTest.userSvc);
      faceTest.test(deviceID, userID);
  CardData cardData = cardSvc.scan(deviceID);

  List<UserCard> userCards = new ArrayList<UserCard>();
  userSvc.setCard(deviceID, userCards);

  KeyInput.pressEnter(">> Try to authenticate the enrolled card. And, press ENTER to end the test.\n");
  List<ByteString> templateData = new ArrayList<ByteString>();
  for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_TEMPLATE; i++) {
    templateData.add(fingerSvc.scan(deviceID, TemplateFormat.TEMPLATE_FORMAT_SUPREMA, QUALITY_THRESHOLD));

  FingerData fingerData = FingerData.newBuilder().addAllTemplates(templateData).build();
  List<UserFinger> userFingers = new ArrayList<UserFinger>();
  userSvc.setFinger(deviceID, userFingers);

  KeyInput.pressEnter(">> Try to authenticate the enrolled finger. And, press ENTER to end the test.\n");
  FaceData faceData = faceSvc.scan(deviceID, FaceEnrollThreshold.BS2_FACE_ENROLL_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT);

  List<UserFace> userFaces = new ArrayList<UserFace>();
  userSvc.setFace(deviceID, userFaces);

  KeyInput.pressEnter(">> Try to authenticate the enrolled face. And, press ENTER to end the test.\n");

5. Test the authentication modes

You can set the authentication modes of a device using AuthConfig.

At this step, AuthConfig.usePrivateAuth is set to false. In other words, these authentication modes will be applied to all the users.

  AuthConfig config;  

  if(deviceType == Type.FACESTATION_F2 || deviceType == Type.FACESTATION_F2_FP) {
    config = AuthConfig.newBuilder().setMatchTimeout(10).setAuthTimeout(15)
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_EXT_MODE_CARD_ONLY).setScheduleID(1)) // Card Only, Always
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_EXT_MODE_FINGERPRINT_ONLY).setScheduleID(1)) // Fingerprint Only, Always
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_EXT_MODE_FACE_ONLY).setScheduleID(1)) // Face Only, Always
  } else {
    config = AuthConfig.newBuilder().setMatchTimeout(10).setAuthTimeout(15)
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_MODE_CARD_ONLY).setScheduleID(1)) // Card Only, Always
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_MODE_BIOMETRIC_ONLY).setScheduleID(1)) // Biometric Only, Always

  authSvc.setConfig(deviceID, config);

  KeyInput.pressEnter(">> Try to authenticate card or fingerprint or face. And, press ENTER for the next test.\n");

  if(deviceType == Type.FACESTATION_F2 || deviceType == Type.FACESTATION_F2_FP) {
    config = AuthConfig.newBuilder().setMatchTimeout(10).setAuthTimeout(15)
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_EXT_MODE_CARD_FACE).setScheduleID(1)) // Card + Face, Always
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_EXT_MODE_CARD_FINGERPRINT).setScheduleID(1)) // Card + Fingerprint, Always
  } else {
    config = AuthConfig.newBuilder().setMatchTimeout(10).setAuthTimeout(15)
              .addAuthSchedules(AuthSchedule.newBuilder().setMode(AuthMode.AUTH_MODE_CARD_BIOMETRIC).setScheduleID(1)) // Card + Biometric, Always

  authSvc.setConfig(deviceID, config);

  KeyInput.pressEnter(">> Try to authenticate (card + fingerprint) or (card + face). And, press ENTER to end the test.\n");    

6. Get the event logs

You can also subscribe to an event stream for receiving realtime events.

  CancellableContext monitoringCtx = Context.current().withCancellation();
  Context prevCtx = monitoringCtx.attach();


  SubscribeRealtimeLogRequest subscribeRequest = SubscribeRealtimeLogRequest.newBuilder().setQueueSize(MONITORING_QUEUE_SIZE).addDeviceIDs(deviceID).build();
  Iterator<EventLog> eventStream = eventSvc.getStub().subscribeRealtimeLog(subscribeRequest);

  while(eventStream.hasNext()) {
    EventLog eventLog =;
