Run the example

  1. Install and run the device gateway
  2. Download the Node.js client library
  3. Copy the root certificate of the gateway to your working directory. As default, the certificate(ca.crt) resides in cert of the installation directory.
  4. Change the gateway and the device information in example/tna/test/test.js as needed.

     // the path of the root certificate
     const GATEWAY_CA_FILE = '../../../../cert/gateway/ca.crt';
     // the address of the gateway
     const GATEWAY_IP = '';
     const GATEWAY_PORT = 4000;
     // the ip address of the target device
     const DEVICE_IP = '';
     const DEVICE_PORT = 51211;
     const USE_SSL = false;
  5. Install packages.

     npm install
  6. Run.

     cd example/tna/test
     node test.js

1. Connect to the gateway and the device

The example assumes you use the device gateway. For the master gateway or other connection options, refer to the Connect or ConnectMaster examples.

  var rootCa = fs.readFileSync(GATEWAY_CA_FILE);
  var sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(rootCa);
  var addr = `${GATEWAY_IP}:${GATEWAY_PORT}`;

  connect.initClient(addr, sslCreds);

  var deviceID = await connect.connectToDevice(DEVICE_IP, DEVICE_PORT, USE_SSL);

2. Test the T&A configuration

There are several options you can configure related to the T&A functions. The example shows how to configure some of these options and let you check the results.

  // (1) BY_USER
  var config = new tna.tnaMessage.TNAConfig();
  config.setLabelsList(['In', 'Out', 'Scheduled In', 'Fixed Out']);
  await tna.setConfig(devID, config);

  console.log('(1) The T&A mode is set to BY_USER(optional). You can select a T&A key before authentication. Try to authenticate after selecting a T&A key.', '\n');
  await menu.pressEnter('>> Press ENTER if you finish testing this mode.\n');
  // (2) IsRequired
  await tna.setConfig(devID, config);

  console.log('(2) The T&A mode is set to BY_USER(mandatory). Try to authenticate without selecting a T&A key.', '\n');
  await menu.pressEnter('>> Press ENTER if you finish testing this mode.\n');

  // (3) LAST_CHOICE
  await tna.setConfig(devID, config);

  console.log('(3) The T&A mode is set to LAST_CHOICE. The T&A key selected by the previous user will be used. Try to authenticate multiple users.', '\n');
  await menu.pressEnter('>> Press ENTER if you finish testing this mode.\n');    

  // (4) BY_SCHEDULE
  config.setSchedulesList([0, 0, 1]); // Always for KEY_3 (Scheduled In)
  await tna.setConfig(devID, config);

  console.log('(4) The T&A mode is set to BY_SCHEDULE. The T&A key will be determined automatically by schedule. Try to authenticate without selecting a T&A key.', '\n');
  await menu.pressEnter('>> Press ENTER if you finish testing this mode.\n');    
  // (5) FIXED    
  await tna.setConfig(devID, config);

  console.log('(5) The T&A mode is set to FIXED(KEY_4). Try to authenticate without selecting a T&A key.', '\n');
  await menu.pressEnter('>> Press ENTER if you finish testing this mode.\n');

3. Get the T&A logs

You can read the log records with T&A key information using TNA.GetTNALog. To get the label of the key, you have to look up the TNAConfig.labels.

  const events = await tna.getTNALog(devID, firstEventID, 0);

  // ...

  function getTNALabel(key, config) {
    if(config.getLabelsList().length > key - 1) {
      return util.format('%s(%d)', config.getLabelsList()[key - 1], key);
    } else {
      return util.format('%d', key);

You can also subscribe to an event stream for receiving realtime events.

  await event.enableMonitoring(devID);

  sub = event.subscribe(EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE);

  sub.on('data', (event) => {
    console.log('Event: ', event.toObject());

  sub.on('end', () => {
    console.log('Subscription is finished');

  sub.on('error', (err) => {
    if(err.details === 'Cancelled') {
      console.log("Subscription is cancelled");
    } else {
      console.log('Subscription error: ', err);
