Run the example

  1. Install and run the device gateway
  2. Download the Swift client library
  3. Copy the root certificate of the device gateway to gsdk-example/gsdk-example/ca.crt.
  4. Open gsdk-example/gsdk-example.xcodeproj in Xcode.
  5. Change the gateway and the device information in gsdk-example/gsdk-example/ContentView.swift as needed.

     let gatewayAddr: String = ""
     let gatewayPort: Int = 4002
     let deviceAddr: String = ""
     let devicePort: Int32 = 51211
     let useSSL: Bool = false
  6. Build and run the app in Xcode.

1. Overview

You can use the G-SDK services in the following steps.

  1. Connect to the gateway and get a ClientConnection.

     let builder: ClientConnection.Builder
     builder = group).withTLS(trustRoots: configuration.trustRoots!)
     let connection = builder.connect(host: gatewayAddr, port: gatewayPort)
  2. Create a client such as Connect_ConnectClient using the connection. For the available services and functions, please refer to the API reference.

     var client: Connect_ConnectClient
     init(conn: ClientConnection) {
       self.client = Connect_ConnectClient(channel: conn)
  3. Call the functions of the service using the client.

     let request = Connect_GetDeviceListRequest()
     let response = try client.getDeviceList(request).response.wait()

2. Connect to the device gateway

The first thing to do is to connect to the device gateway and get a ClientConnection, which will be used for further communication. You have to know the address and port number of the gateway. And, you should also have the root certificate of the gateway for TLS/SSL communication.

func setupTLS() -> ClientConnection? {
  do {
    //Step i: get certificate path from Bundle
    let certificatePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "ca", ofType: "crt")
    //Step ii: create TLS configuration
    var configuration = TLSConfiguration.forClient(applicationProtocols: ["h2"])
    configuration.trustRoots = .file(certificatePath!) //anchors the ca certificate to trust roots for TLS configuration. Not required incase of insecure communication with host
    //Step iii: generate SSL context
    let sslContext = try NIOSSLContext(configuration: configuration)
    let handler = try NIOSSLClientHandler(context: sslContext, serverHostname: gatewayAddr + "\(gatewayPort)")
    //Step iv: Create an event loop group
    let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
    //Step v: Create client connection builder
    let builder: ClientConnection.Builder
    builder = group).withTLS(trustRoots: configuration.trustRoots!)
    //Step vi: Start the connection and create the client
    let connection = builder.connect(host: gatewayAddr, port: gatewayPort)
    return connection

3. Connect to BioStar devices

There are three ways to manage the connections with BioStar devices. This example shows only the synchronous API. For the other APIs, refer to the Connect API.

// An example class showing the usage of the Connect API
class ConnectSvc {
  var client: Connect_ConnectClient

  init(conn: ClientConnection) {
    self.client = Connect_ConnectClient(channel: conn)

  func getDeviceList() -> [Connect_DeviceInfo]? {
    do {
      let request = Connect_GetDeviceListRequest()
      let response = try client.getDeviceList(request).response.wait()
      return response.deviceInfos

  func connect(connInfo: Connect_ConnectInfo) -> UInt32 {
    do {
      let request = Connect_ConnectRequest.with {
        $0.connectInfo = connInfo
      let response = try client.connect(request).response.wait()
      return response.deviceID

  func disconnectAll() {
    do {
      let request = Connect_DisconnectAllRequest()
      try client.disconnectAll(request).response.wait()
  1. Create the ConnectSvc. It makes the Connect_ConnectClient internally.

     let connectSvc = ConnectSvc(conn: conn)
  2. Connect to the specified device. As default, the device is not set to use SSL. To use SSL, you have to enable it first using Connect.EnableSSL. The returned device ID will be used for other APIs.

     var connInfo = Connect_ConnectInfo.with{
       $0.ipaddr = deviceAddr
       $0.port = devicePort
       $0.useSsl = useSSL
     let deviceID = connectSvc.connect(connInfo: connInfo)
  3. Get the devices, which are managed by the gateway.

     let devList = connectSvc.getDeviceList()
  4. Disconnect the device.


4. Event

Using the Event API, you can read event logs stored in devices. You can also receive real-time events after enabling monitoring.

// An example class showing the usage of the Event API
class EventSvc {
  var client: Event_EventClient
  init(conn: ClientConnection) {
    self.client = Event_EventClient(channel: conn)
  func startMonitoring(deviceID: UInt32) {
    do {
      let request = Event_EnableMonitoringRequest.with{
        $0.deviceID = deviceID
      try client.enableMonitoring(request).response.wait()

  func stopMonitoring(deviceID: UInt32) {
    do {
      let request = Event_DisableMonitoringRequest.with{
        $0.deviceID = deviceID
      try client.disableMonitoring(request).response.wait()
  func subscribeRealtimeLog(deviceID: UInt32, callback: @escaping ((Event_EventLog) -> Bool)) {
    do {
      let request = Event_SubscribeRealtimeLogRequest.with{
        $0.queueSize = queueSize
        $0.deviceIds = [deviceID]
      var call: ServerStreamingCall<Event_SubscribeRealtimeLogRequest, Event_EventLog>?
      call = client.subscribeRealtimeLog(request) { eventLog in
        let stop = callback(eventLog)
        if(stop) {
          call?.cancel(promise: nil)
      try call?.status.wait()
  1. Create the EventSvc. It makes the Event_EventClient internally.

     let eventSvc = EventSvc(conn: conn)
  2. Enable event monitoring of the device and receive real-time events asynchronously.

     eventSvc.startMonitoring(deviceID: deviceID)
     eventSvc.subscribeRealtimeLog(deviceID: deviceID, callback: view.eventCallback)
     eventSvc.stopMonitoring(deviceID: deviceID) 
